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Improve Your Time Management When Studying

How To Improve Your Time Management When Studying

With exams fast approaching, now is the time to be thinking of ways to improve your time management when studying so you can organise your days and strike the right balance between home, work and university life.

By taking the time to arrange your priorities, you can give yourself a better chance of staying on track and organised during your exams, which could then help to reduce your stress levels, which can be the difference between success and failure at university.

Have a look at these time management tips, so that you can do your best at university but also find those much-needed moments to relax and even earn some money on the side.

1) Think about the things that you have to do

One of the first things you should do to improve your time management is to make a  list of absolutely everything that you must do. This probably sounds obvious, but a lot of students tend to leave important tasks until the very last minute, and that then impacts on the quality of their work and their overall grades.

You should include any university deadlines, as well as any work shifts, on your list, and make a note of how much time each task will take out of your schedule.

2) Create a schedule

Whether you decide on a planner pinned to your noticeboard or a timetable or a calendar on your phone, add your list of priorities to it. And think about when you are more alert (mornings, afternoons, evenings, the middle of the night) and plan your study sessions to coincide with those times.

But remember to review and assess your schedule so that you can recognise yourself if you need to.

3) Remember to socialise

Make sure you find the time for socialising and some down time. It’s very important that you get rest otherwise you’ll just end up burning yourself out and you won’t be able to function. But also make sure that you get enough sleep. The majority of people need between seven and eight hours sleep each night in order to remain focused and alert during study periods.

4) Be realistic with your studying but also be flexible

Try to allow for between eight and ten hours a day for all of your important tasks, including studying, working and socialising, as well as anything else that you need to do.

Remember, though, that some tasks often take longer than you originally expected. So, allow a little extra time in case you spend longer on a task than you thought you would.

5) Avoid distraction

Try to avoid getting distracted by other things or people around you. Think about the different places you’ve studied in the past and where you were the most focused, and where you got distracted. Avoid those places.

What works for your friends might not work for you. Some students find that studying with their friends can help to increase motivation and avoid procrastination but others find that this can limit their productivity and so are best on their own.

6) Take regular exercise to clear your head

You might not believe me, but exercise works in the same way that sleep does. It can help to focus your state of mind, thus helping to clear your head in between your study sessions. If you’re new to exercise, try to fit in a 10-minute run here and there, and gradually increase this as you go on.

I hope these time management hints and tips help you with your studying. If you have any other hints and tips you’d like to share, tweet us or comment on our Facebook Page.

(Original article by Top Universities)

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