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Medals For Role Model Students

I popped into B&Q this evening about 8:30pm. There were three part time staff members on duty all with day jobs as university students. I found myself marveling at the determination and commitment of students to give their all. Such is their work ethos that in order to fund their education to become contributors to society, they work unbearably long hours, even in the run up to revising for exam…s.

I do not grasp the attitude of some who imagine student’s enjoy a life of leisure.

The most tragic aspect of this misperception is that in this economic climate, whatever the grades students ultimately earn, and they do earn their degrees; the prospect of a job even with a degree… is bleak!

I would give students a medal for enduring three years of graft in the face of unfair mass criticism attributable only to the minority. Students are my role models. I dropped out of university, I was not half the man these modern students are! It was undoubtedly the hardest thing I ever did. Consequently I readily overlook the isolated incidents where students attract potentially justifiable criticism.

My focus is immediately overwhelmingly drawn to the marvelous overall contribution students make to Canterbury. I know there are some serious issues of rubbish and noise which must be resolved, but why oh why must we twist the lens so narrowly obscuring the massive good so only the problems are in focus?

Is it that good news is boring and only bad news is worthy of mention in the press?

Few appear to realise the thousands of philanthropic hours each year donated by Canterbury student volunteers. I so wish students received the credit they deserve.

Whatever your exam results know this… students, you are all heroes in my eyes!

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